Boise: Areas With Poor Library Access
This map shows the 5 areas of Boise that are > 2 miles from a library.
- Population is estimated based on 2020 census data.
- Distance is population multiplied by distance, using the distance rings shown.
Boise: Areas With Poor Library Access
This page shows the 5 areas of Boise that are > 2 miles from a library.
- Population is estimated based on 2020 census data.
- Distance is population multiplied by distance, using the distance rings shown.
Area #1: Highlands
- Bogus Basin Road
- Simplot Hill
Population (est): 2,040
Distance: 6,030
Area #2: East End
The area of the East End north of the Old Idaho State Penitentiary.
Population (est): 780
Distance: 1,995
Area #3: Columbia Village
About half of Columbia Village is > 2 miles from the Bown Crossing Library. However, due to limited bridges over the New York Canal, driving distance is increased to 5 miles.
Population (est): 2,175
Distance: 5,775
Area #4: Airport
This is a relatively large area but only has a small residential population, north of the airport.
Population (est): 900
Distance: 2,250
Area #5: West Boise
The area of Boise north of Fairview and west of 5 Mile more than 2 miles from Cole & UStick and Garden City Library.
Population does not include Eagle / Meridian citizens.
Population (est): 27,450
Distance: 80,273
Summary: Citizens with Poor Library Access
This chart shows the population of and distance citizens in each area would need to travel to reach a library.
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